Registration Information

Registration for summer camps is now open

How to Register

We use an online registration system: Dance Studio Pro. If you do not already have an account, you will need to make one.

Payments are listed at the price per session, and are broken down into monthly payments. Given the careful planning that it will take to manage dancers in our spaces, we will not be able to allow any late registrations or payments.

Pricing for Classes

Dance Fundamentals: $75
Teen and Adult classes: $85
60 minute Tech 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 classes: $175
90 minute Tech 4, 5 classes: $205
45 minute Tech 4, 5 classes: $130

Refund Policy

Full refunds will not be issued past January 19th. Please notify the Creative Director ( if you are withdrawing your student from classes. Please note: parents are responsible for payment on classes that occurred prior to giving notice. Tuition WILL be charged to your account until written notification is received, regardless of the date a student stops attending classes. Registration fees are non-refundable.


Please call us at (740) 594-2302 or email us at